you just lacked memory to run the game right? if you want to get back on asap it would be a lot cheaper if you just bought a few extra gigs to boost your current PC up to EU requirements.
- check your pc. see what you have in there memory wise. do you have any open slots, how many slots do you have and how much memory is in each of them?
- did anyone you know recently upgrade their computer? You might be able to use their old memory to boost your PC. (free is always good hehe)
- do some searching on internet if you're not much of a nerd (yet) and have no clue what to look for. quick search for me turned up
this small guide with some pictures, but I'm sure theres better ones around as well if you'd want more detailed info
making money wise:
-I kinda liked delivering local papers/advertisements etc (never see your boss, freedom to decide your own hours) downside is it's pretty low pay, at least around here.
-Ask schoolmates what their sidejobs are and if they know if there are any openings.
-Call center work (you will be annoying people, you might get fired for not meeting quota's.. but it usually pays very well since everyone hate's doing the job and they always lack people)
-Family and friends: wash cars, walk dogs, babysit, do groceries or whatever they can come up with.
-Check the papers, or just go to one of the larger job providing centers (or whatever they are called in english) and see what kind of work they can offer you.
*edit: oh and btw how long ago did you try to log in? I believe they made a change last week or so to the settings if you log in (they were set at very high first). Might be worth a try to log in again, see if it's still as bad now. (In game, check the advanced settings, make sure you're draw distance, shadows, etc are all set on low. some avatar graphics should be set a bit higher however or they will show up whitish. If your avatar turns up black, wait untill everything else has loaded and use a TP, usually fixes it. Still a lot of bugs in the game atm though, and inventory/storage still loads slow for everyone it seems. Might be good to try logging in again later when they've completed the planned updates to see if it will run any smoother).